Drainage Flooring
Drainage flooring is an urban solution made of a rigid layer of aggregates. The result of this mixture guarantees a unified surface that, different from other surfaces, allows the filtration of water.
The system is made of resins, aggregates and elastomers, all of which are specially treated to make a resistant and economic final product. This is a continuous, porous base made in-situ. It creates original spaces that are harmonious and aesthetically balanced.
Drainage flooring for the protection of cork oaks or the base of tree trunks, which allow the drainage of water and hence the irrigation of the trees whilst also saving up to 75% of the water.
Some of the characteristics of this flooring are:A saving of between 70% and 80% of water used for irrigation, depending on area by reducing evaporation and the interior temperature of the cork oak.
Reduces the cost of maintenance of the cork oaks. It eliminates the weeds in 99.8% of the surface. The rubbish can be swept up.
They are very decorative; a large variety of aggregates can be used (marbles, coloured quartz, gravels, etc.) recycled glass, barks, and recycled and coloured cork
No maintenance, it is cleaned annually or biannually using a pressure hose, it is easily repairable and it is more resistant that concrete.