All of the products used in our work undergo exhaustive quality and safety controls and comply with the characteristics and specifications in the technical datasheets made available to our clients.
We are a homologated application company of the systems and products we offer and complement this with an instruction program about the installation or application of the most adequate methods to prepare the support system. Before starting the work our technical team will check that the environmental conditions of the site and the support system are adequate.
Our responsibility starts with the supply of high quality products and the application of them is always carried out by a qualified technical team. Whenever a problem is caused by the incorrect application or quality of the products we use, our company promises to repair the work carried out.
The use of aggressive products such as bleach and ammonia as well as the use of scouring products could damage the finishes of the product. VICADRI S.L.U only recommends the use of neutral soaps to clean the paving and the use of protective waxes from 2 to 4 times a year for decorative paving
In our company we undertake all our work complying with the Technical Building Codes and we comply with all the Spanish as well as European normatives.
Adapted solutions has verified the correct implementation of the Organic Law on Data Protection (Law 15/1999) that all legal requirements are met. Protocols have been established and the necessary operations for proper maintenance.